„Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” (Paul Meyer, American author)
How can you prepare for an important negotiation? Do you want to be more assertive in internal communication? Would you like to build stronger, more open relationships with your clients?
We define assertiveness as actively working to achieving our goals while also considering the other party’s interests and building the long-term relationship.
Our training looks at the behaviors that help us reach this ideal, as well as those that hinder it. The focus is on a collaborative approach to problem solving that leads to productive long-term relationships. This can be useful in many situations, whether nenegotiating a contract with a client or gaining a colleague’s support for a new project.
Training outline:
In this training we employ actors to play the part of the typical negotiating partner. This way the role-plays take on a new dimension and can help achieve a real change in behaviour and increase effectiveness.
Nem tanítunk, hanem fejlesztünk. Célunk, hogy viselkedésbeli változást érjünk el és így növeljük a résztvevők üzleti eredményességét. Ehhez több dolog szükséges: